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Index of refraction database

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RefractiveIndex. While not a traditional optical material, iron sesquioxide provides specific characteristics beneficial to specialized optical applications and research. An optical property database of refractive indices and dielectric constants is presented, which comprises a total of 49,076 refractive index and 60,804 dielectric constant data records on. Thin films of Fe 2O 3 have been investigated for use in optoelectronic devices and waveguides. Its optically active properties have also made it a subject of study for photonic and plasmonic applications, particularly in the development of sensors and imaging technologies. In optics, Fe 2O 3 is often used as a pigment in coatings and materials that require specific absorption or scattering properties.

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Equation for estimating the index of refraction at a temperature different than that used for the.

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Some typical refractive indices for yellow light (wavelength equal to 589 nanometres 10 9 metre) are the following: air, 1.0003 water, 1.333 crown glass, 1.517 dense flint glass, 1.655 and diamond, 2.417. For example, if you determined the index of refraction of an organic liquid at 24C, and want to compare it to a literature value determined at 20 C, you should subtract 4 (0.00045) 0.0018 from the index of refraction you obtained. Iron sesquioxide (Fe 2O 3), also known as ferric oxide or hematite, is a reddish-brown compound with various applications across industries. Refractive index is also equal to the velocity of light c of a given wavelength in empty space divided by its velocity v in a substance, or n c/v.

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